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🪄 Get a magic code
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School Email
Clayful Password
Password has at least 8 characters
Password has a special character (like &, *, or #)
Password has 1 upper case letter & 1 lower case letter
Password has a number
6-digit verification code
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1️⃣ Enter your school email below
2️⃣ Check your email for magic code 🪄
3️⃣ Enter 6-digit magic code
School email
6-digit magic code
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🔐 Log in with school email
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🪄 Get a magic code
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School Email
Clayful Password
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1️⃣ Enter your school email below
2️⃣ Check your email for magic code 🪄
3️⃣ Enter 6-digit magic code
School email
6-digit magic code
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