Inspired by last week’s chats
What if you could choose how you feel with just a quick move?
Ever catch yourself endlessly scrolling without even realizing it?
Tired of feeling glued to your screen?
What you see online is never the full story
Can technology be helpful and hurtful?
Has your friend or classmate ever started a rumor about you?
Ever wonder what to chat about with a coach?
What’s a coach and why do you need one?
What happens when you listen and don’t fix?
What happens when you look someone in the eye?
What do kittens and stress have in common?
Did you know…animals bully each other all of the time
Have you ever been ghosted?
The more you celebrate yourself, the more you enjoy what you are doing and the more motivated you feel.
If you can believe it, you can achieve it
You can achieve your goals, no matter how hard they seem
Get out of your head and into the present
Surfing can teach us a lot about life
Just breathe
Ever feel overwhelmed by everything you have to do?
YOU are the most important thing to take care of this year
You can do hard things
Make a new day's resolution
Time for a vibe check
Personality quizzes don’t define us - but they can help us understand ourselves better
Sometimes the way we think about tests can stress us out
Sometimes holidays feel magical & sometimes they don’t
How vulnerable do I want to be?
Feeling left out can really hurt
Thoughts are not facts, thoughts are not YOU, & thoughts are not in control of you
Loss is something that happens to everyone
Help might be more helpful than you think
Let go of what's weighing you down
How to deal when someone doesn't feel the same way
4 steps to ask for what you want
Your feelings might be trying to tell you something
We all feel lonely sometimes
Feeling angry is totally normal, and even helpful sometimes
All relationships crack in some way
We can feel it all
There are lots of ways to be anxious
When your thoughts & feelings are all tied up in knots
Get your butterflies flying in formation
When life piles up, start with one small thing
Sometimes it's easier to be kind to others than to ourselves
Love is more than romance
Don't listen to the shame gremlins
What if you could choose to be happy?
The lies about your body are holding you back
Face your challenge, teach your brain
Everything gets better when you get enough sleep
Just talking about what is going on inside can make it better
What to do about hurtful words
What do you win & lose with gossip?
Every goodbye is also a hello
"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom" - Aristotle